
Showing results 271 - 280 of 379

Livingston, Robert
Most Fortune 500 CEOs—roughly 95 percent of them, in fact—are white men. Line up headshots of these leaders and plenty of pronounced chins, square jaws, salt-and-pepper hair, and…
Robert Reynolds
“The future of our democracy rests in the hands of ordinary Americans,” says Robert Reynolds MPP 2015. This is why he works to increase voter turnout, which in the 2016 U.S.…
Kristof, Nicholas
Hauser Leader Nicholas Kristof for 2018 being the…
Piltch op-ed
"We don't agree on everything—but we do agree on enough that we can work together to start to heal our civic culture and our country." CPL's James Piltch…
David immigration
A from David Gergen and James Piltch…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Attention: Your acronym of the day is VUCA. VUCA stands for “volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous,” a handy shortcut used by the military to describe these uncertain times…
Black Family Thumbnail
CAMBRIDGE, MA – Harvard Kennedy School today announced the creation of a graduate student fellowship program for U.S. veterans and active duty military members. The fellowships,…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Marshall Ganz, Liz McKenna
Social movements drive economic, social, political, and cultural change. But who – or what – makes movements? This chapter argues that leadership plays a critical but poorly…
Wendy Sherman Politico
"It’s an open question precisely why women continue to deny their own capabilities, despite the past century of feminist activism." - Ambassador Wendy Sherman (…