
M-RCBG Senior Fellow-Led Study Group: Jean-Pierre Landau

What future for the International Monetary System?
September 18, 4:00 – 5:30, M-RCBG Conference Room, B-503

The IMF is now 75 years old and, up to now, seems to have escaped the tensions and difficulties faced by that other organizations and, more generally, international cooperation. The institution is about  to appoint a new Managing Director and this may be an opportunity  to reflect on its resilience, its role and its future in a world where international  monetary relations are quickly changing.

Jean-Pierre Landau headshot photo

Jean-Pierre Landau is an Associate Professor of Economics at SciencesPo - Paris and a former senior official at the French Treasury and Central Bank. He has served as Deputy Governor of the Banque de France, Executive Director for France at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (Washington, DC), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (London). He was also Undersecretary at the Minister of Finance in Paris. In his different capacities, he was a member of the Board of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, a G7 and G20 Deputy, and a member of the Financial Stability Board (FSB)  and its Steering Committee.  He was Visiting Professor at John Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, and Lecturer at the Woodrow Wilson School (Princeton University). He co-authored "The Euro and the Battle of Ideas" with Markus Brunnermeier and Harold James, published at Princeton University Press in 2016. His main fields of interest include money and international economics, areas where he has direct and extensive experience. As a Senior Fellow, he will be conducting research on "The future of money in a digital world". His faculty sponsor is Jeffrey Frankel, James W. Harpel Professor of Capital Formation and Growth at Harvard University's Kennedy School. Email: jean-pierre_landau@hks.harvard.edu