From Products to Capabilities: Constructing a Genotypic Product Space
Economic development is a path-dependent process in which countries accumulate capabilities that allow them to move into more complex products and industries.
Economic development is a path-dependent process in which countries accumulate capabilities that allow them to move into more complex products and industries.
The future of developing countries lies in services. Enhancing productivity in labor-absorbing services in particular must be an essential priority, for reasons of both growth and equity.
Does a woman’s take-up of government benefits vary with her perception of how they will be shared within the household?
We begin by examining determinants of aggregate foreign exchange reserve holdings by central banks (size of issuing country’s economy and financial markets, ability of the currency to hold value, and
This paper examines Japan’s economic performance in recent years, uncovering a narrative that challenges conventional views.
The most pressing economic problems of our time require pragmatic remedies closely tailored to context
In today’s increasingly interconnected global economy, place-based development strategy must be strategic towards leveraging global economic opportunities.
Income inequality is high and persistent in developing countries. In this paper, we ask what role taxation can or might play in reducing inequality in low and middle-income countries.
This paper integrates daytime and nighttime satellite imagery into a spatial general-equilibrium model to evaluate the returns to investments in new motorways.
This paper introduces the concept of “climate matching” as a driver of migration and establishes several new results.
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