
Showing results 121 - 130 of 788

Catherine Wolfram Headshot
December 7, 2022, Opinion: "A cap on the price of Russian crude oil sold on global markets went into effect on Monday. This is an important step toward reducing Russia’s capacity…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Josh Lerner
December 7, 2022, Paper: "We leverage an exogenous shock—the crackdown on corrupt Chinese officials beginning in 2012—and examine how the allocation of research subsidies and…
Robert Lawrence Headshot
Robert Lawrence
December 2022, Paper: "The clash between the Western and Chinese economic systems is threatening the world trading system, with countries increasingly using trade as a tool to…
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
December 6, 2022, Opinion: "Small and midsize companies are essential to American supply chains, but they lag in productivity and technology adoption. If government and industry…
Joe Aldy and Catherine Wolfram headshots
Joseph Aldy
December 5, 2022, Video: "A novel price cap on Russian-origin crude oil, implemented by the G7 countries, is set to take effect on December 5. ENRP hosts an Energy Policy Seminar…
Chris Miller and John Haigh headshots
John Haigh, Edoardo Campanella
December 2, 2022, Video: "This hybrid event was a panel discussion between M-RCBG Co-Director John Haigh and Chris Miller, Associate Professor of International History at the…
Philippe Le Corre headshot
December 1 2022, Video: "Philippe Le Corre of Essec Business School discusses EU-China ties and the Asian giant’s zero-Covid policy."
Jeffrey Frankel Headshot
Jeffrey Frankel
November 29, 2022, Opinion: "Efforts to reduce global greenhouse-gas emissions must overcome the free-rider problem, and carbon border adjustment measures are the most effective…
William Overholt and Lawrence Summers Headshots
Lawrence H. Summers
November 23, 2022, Opinion: "US semiconductor restrictions are a de facto declaration of economic war and a disproportionate response to the two sides’ many problems."…
Joe Aldy headshot
Joseph Aldy
November 22, 2022, Paper: "Economists have for decades recommended that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases be taxed – or otherwise priced – to provide incentives for their…