Showing results 7041 - 7050 of 7231
The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009. Michael Porter, January 1, 2009, Book. "This year’s Global Competitiveness Report is being released at a time of multiple shocks to…
Preferences for Redistribution. Alberto Alesina, January 2009, Paper. "This paper discusses what determines the preferences of individuals for redistribution. We…
The Mexico Competitiveness Report 2009. Ricardo Hausmann, 2009, Paper. "The key strengths and weaknesses of Mexico’s economic landscape are explored in a comprehensive new…
The Global Gender Gap Report 2009. Ricardo Hausmann, 2009, Paper. "Over the last year, the world has seen the biggest recession in almost a century. It is clear that recovery will…
The Relationship Between Health and Growth: When Lucas Meets Nelson-Phelps. Philippe Aghion, 2009, Paper. "This paper revisits the relationship between health and growth in…
Green Cities, Brown Suburbs. Edward Glaeser, January 2009, Paper. "Contends that much local environmentalism, with its anti-development posture, is, in fact, bad for the…
The Political Economy of Tax Policy, James E. Alt, 2009, Book Chapter, This chapter reviews major changes in British tax-setting institutions in the past thirty years…
Rohini Pande, January 2009: “We exploit random assignment of gender quotas for leadership positions across Indian village councils to show that prior exposure to a female…
Variance Function Regressions for Studying Inequality. Bruce Western, January 2009, Paper. “Regression-based studies of inequality model only between-group differences, yet often…
Widening Inequality Combined with Modest Growth. Benjamin Friedman, January 2009, Paper. "The crisis triggered by the collapse of subprime mortgage lending in the United States…