Showing results 7061 - 7070 of 7226
Why America Needs an Economic Strategy. Michael Porter, October 29, 2008, Opinion. "With the U.S. Election just days away, it has never been more important to consider what…
This Bailout Doesn't Pay Dividends. Jeremy Stein, David Scharfstein, October 21, 2008, Article. "On Oct. 13, the chief executives of nine large American banks were…
The Economics of Place-Making Policies. Edward Glaeser, Joshua Gottlieb, October 2008, Paper. "Should the national government undertake policies aimed at strengthening…
On Competition, Updated and Expanded Edition. Michael Porter, October 1, 2008, Book. "For the past two decades, Michael Porter's work has towered over the field of…
The $700 Billion Question. Jeremy Stein, September 23, 2008, Op-Ed. "Henry Paulson, the Treasury secretary, has opened the government checkbook and is poised to spend $700…
South Africa's export predicament. Ricardo Hausmann, September 17, 2008, Paper. "Using South Africa as an example, this article explores how the structure of production affects…
Academic Freedom, Private-Sector Focus, and the Process of Innovation. Jeremy Stein, Philippe Aghion, September 16, 2008, Paper. "We develop a model that clarifies the…
Growth Diagnostic: Peru, Ricardo Hausmann, September 2008, Paper, This paper presents a growth diagnostic exercise for Peru. It notes that although Peru has recently…
Doing Growth Diagnostics in Practice: A ‘Mindbook’, Ricardo Hausmann, September 2008, Paper, This paper systematizes the implementation of the Growth Diagnostics…
Achieving Export-Led Growth in Colombia, Ricardo Hausmann, September 1, 2008, Paper, The purpose of this paper is to analyze Colombia’s experiences with and opportunities for…