
Showing results 7111 - 7120 of 7215

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Gita Gopinath
Sticky Borders. Gita Gopinath and Roberto Rigobon, 2008, Paper. "The stickiness and currency of pricing of traded goods play a central role in international macroeconomics;…
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Hannah Riley Bowles, Iris Bohnet
Special Section: Gender in Negotiation Introduction. Iris Bohnet, Hannah Riley Bowles, 2008, Book Chapter, "Gender has become one of the hottest areas of negotiation research…
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Iris Bohnet
Is There Reciprocity In A Reciprocal-exchange Economy? Evidence Of Gendered Norms From A Slum In Nairobi, Kenya. Iris Bohnet, 2008, Paper, "Norms of reciprocity help enforce…
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Kenneth Rogoff, Carmen Reinhart
Is the 2007 US Sub-Prime Financial Crisis So Different? An International Historical Comparison. Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff, 2008, Paper. "The first major financial crisis…
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Daniel Schrag, Kurt Zenz House, Michael Aziz
Electrochemical Acceleration of Chemical Weathering as an Energetically Feasible Approach to Mitigating Anthropogenic Climate Change. Michael Aziz, Kurt Zenz House, Daniel…
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Edward Glaeser
Arbitrage in Housing Markets. Edward Glaeser, December 15, 2007, Paper. "Urban economists understand housing prices with a spatial equilibrium approach that assumes people…
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Profits and Politics: Coordinating Technology Adoption in Agriculture, Rohini Pande, December 2007, Paper, "This paper examines the political economy of coordination in a simple…
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N. Gregory Mankiw, Matthew Weinzierl
The Optimal Taxation of Height: A Case Study of Utilitarian Income Redistribution. N. Gregory Mankiw, Matthew Weinzierl, December 2007, Paper. "Should the income tax system…
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Edward Glaeser, Giacomo Ponzetto
Did the Death of Distance Hurt Detroit and Help New York? Edward Glaeser, Giacomo Ponzetto, December 2007, Paper. "Urban proximity can reduce the costs of shipping goods and…
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Rafael Di Tella
Happiness, Contentment and other Emotions for Central Banks. Rafael Di Tella, November 7, 2007, Paper. "We show that data on satisfaction with life from over 600,000…