
How do workplace norms affect fertility decisions?

The birth rate in the United States is slowly on the decline. In this video, Mary Brinton, Reischauer Institute Professor of Sociology at Harvard University, discusses how low birth rates affect and are affected by gender inequality in postindustrial societies.

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  • Brinton, M. C., & Lee, D.J. (2016). Population and Development Review, 42(3), 405–433. doi: 10.1111/padr.161
  • Brinton, M. C., & Mun, E. (2016). Socio-Economic Review, 14(2), 257–281. doi: 10.1093/ser/mwv021

  • Women and Public Policy Program (Host). (2019, March 22). . [Audio Podcast].
  • Women and Public Policy Program (Host). (2015, November 15). . [Audio Podcast].

  • Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University (Producer). (2014, May 6).  [Video file].