
Over two-thirds of individuals who leave the Commonwealth’s jails and prisons return within three years, and the risk of return is much higher for Black and Latino residents of the Commonwealth. This working group is tasked with understanding why, offering recommendations for cutting edge solutions, but also putting forward strategic plans toward the implementation of much-needed new institutional changes to policies, practices, and procedures.

Related Research and Commentary by Roundtable Members

Sandra Susan Smith, “‘Change’ Frames and the Mobilization of Social Capital for Formerly Incarcerated Job Seekers.” DuBois Review. 15(2): 387–416, 2018.

Sandra Susan Smith, “Exploring the Challenges Former Prisoners Face Finding Work,” Chapter 10 in Boys and Men in African American Families, edited by Linda M. Burton, Dorian Burton, Susan M. McHale, Valerie King, and Jennifer Van Hook, 2016.