

Last Name First Name
Title Departments
Phone Number
Quartana, Lawrence
Adjunct Lecturer in Public PolicyFaculty
Queiros, Jose
FellowBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Quintero, Cristina
Senior Coordinator, Program ManagementExecutive Education
Qureshi, Sarrah
Communications ManagerBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Rafiq, Hena
AssociateTaubman Center for State and Local Government
Rafiq, Omer
FellowBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Ramesh, Hari
Visiting ScholarAsh Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Rana, Raj
AssociateCarr Center for Human Rights Policy
Ranalli, Ralph
Senior WriterOffice of Communications & Public Affairs
Rangazas, Stephen
International Security Program Research FellowBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Raposo, Joseph
Managing Director, Academic and Development CoordinationAlumni Relations and Resource Development
Ratcliffe, Kerri
AssociateAsh Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Rathore, Anmol
Course Coach MLD-201BDegree Programs and Student Affairs
Rattan, Pariroo
AssociateCarr Center for Human Rights Policy
Rawls, Kevyanna
Research Associate, AnnualTaubman Center for State and Local Government
Razzaz, Omar
Senior FellowBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Recklet, Laura
Registrar and Director of Student Enrollment SystemsDegree Programs and Student Affairs
Redlich, Michael
Fellow, Dept/Prog (Stip)Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Reed, Cooper
Full Stack Developer - Skills LabMalcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy
Reinhart, Carmen
Minos A. Zombanakis Professor of the International Financial SystemFaculty
Remz, Gabi
Research Associate, AnnualTaubman Center for State and Local Government
Reuel, Ann-Katrin
Fellow, Technology and GeopoliticsBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Reyes, Catalina
Research Associate, AnnualCenter for International Development - BSC
Reyes, Evelyn
Executive Assistant to DirectorAsh Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Reyes, Miguel
Communications SpecialistCenter for International Development