Economic Complexity in Panama: Assessing Opportunities for Productive Diversification
The economy of Panama has thrived for more than a decade, based on a modern service sector on the activities surrounding the Canal.
The economy of Panama has thrived for more than a decade, based on a modern service sector on the activities surrounding the Canal.
Panama has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the previous decade.
A majority of the world's impoverished lack adequate access to financial services. Typically, formal banks do not target the poor because lending without collateral is considered too risky.
A growing body of rigorous research shows that financial services innovations can have important positive impacts on wellbeing, but also that many do not.
We study the impact of international long-distance flights on the global spatial allocation of economic activity.
This paper explores the impact of local government policies and urban plans on home-based workers.
This is a technical brief on the legal barriers to economic empowerment that women in the informal economy typically face.
Technology is a key driver of change, not least in the world of work.
Empowering women in the economy and closing gender gaps at work are central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Yet too many gaps persist. How to accelerate progress?
This paper presents insights and action proposals to better harness technological innovation for sustainable development. We begin with three key insights from scholarship and practice.
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