Informality and Social Protection: Theories and Realities
Preventing Violent Conflict
Galbraith and Vietnam: An Adviser Who Told Kennedy the Truth
A Tale of Two Sectors: Diverging Paths in Taiwan’s Automotive Industry
Global Taiwan examines the impact of globalization on the industry and economy of Taiwan since the spectacular growth of the 1990s.
Improving Access to Financial Services for Low-Income Households and Microenterprises in Indonesia.
Women and Informality: A Global Picture, the Global Movement
Over the past two decades, employment in the informal sector has risen rapidly in all regions in the world.
Counting the Invisible Workforce: The Case of Homebased Workers
This paper illustrates the limitations of official statistics on the informal sector with the case of homebased women workers: this is, women who work from their homes as own-account producers or subc
New Perspectives on Economic Growth and Technological Innovation
Inside the Collapsing Soviet Economy
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