Supply Chain Management: A Public Sector Perspective
This book provides practical insight into how to improve the effectiveness, resilience, and agility of supply chain operation in the public domain.
This book provides practical insight into how to improve the effectiveness, resilience, and agility of supply chain operation in the public domain.
In Global Health 2050, the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health concludes that dramatic improvements in human welfare are achievable by mid-century with focused health investments.
Manufacturing jobs, once the backbone of the modern US economy, have declined as a share of GDP over recent decades, darkening opportunities for middle-class advancement.
We study sovereign external debt crises over the past 200 years, with a focus on creditor losses, or “haircuts”.
The future of developing countries lies in services. Enhancing productivity in labor-absorbing services in particular must be an essential priority, for reasons of both growth and equity.
The U.S.-China conflict is threatening continued global economic prosperity and this has inspired a variety of predictions and prescriptions on the future global order.
[T]here is an imperative to examine how alternative forms of organizing--ones that diverge from the dominant corporate model focused solely on profit maximization--can help confront this multidimensio
We build on Baqaee and Farhi (2019, 2021) and derive a theoretically-grounded criterion that allows targeting bans on exports to a sanctioned country at the level of ~5000 6-digit HS products.
This chapter draws attention to the potential of safeguards in a system with a variable geometry. Section 1 considers the benefits from safeguards, but also the need to discipline their use.
The share of US residents who were born in Latin America and the Caribbean plateaued recently, after a half century of rapid growth.
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