The Causal Effect of Place: Evidence from Japanese-American Internment
Recent research has stressed the importance of long-run place effects on income and economic mobility, but the literature has struggled to isolate the causal impact of location.
Income Inequality and Health: Strong Theories, Weaker Evidence
What Is Different about Urbanization in Rich and Poor Countries? Cities in Brazil, China, India and the United States
Social Networks and Geography: Comments on “How Does Geography Affect Equality of Opportunityâ€
Race as a ‘Bundle of Sticks’: Designs that Estimate Effects of Seemingly Immutable Characteristics
Friendship at Work: Can Peer Effects Catalyze Female Entrepreneurship
Does the lack of peers contribute to the observed gender gap in entrepreneurial success?
Aiming Higher Together: Strategizing Better Educational Outcomes for Boys and Young Men of Color
This report is a literature review and critical analysis of factors contributing to ongoing underachievement of boys and young men of color in the US.
Does Encouragement Matter in Improving Gender Imbalances in Technical Fields? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Self-Targeting: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Indonesia
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