Greener Plants, Grayer Skies
This article presents findings from the MIT China Energy Group’s first-of-its-kind, independent nationwide survey of Chinese coal-fired power plants.
This article presents findings from the MIT China Energy Group’s first-of-its-kind, independent nationwide survey of Chinese coal-fired power plants.
The United States ought to be the leader of the world in the energy technology innovation that is needed.
Aging research may significantly lengthen human life spans in the foreseeable future. This paper argues that we do not need to wait until this happens to prepare for the dislocations that may result.
Recently, I asked my seminar students at Harvard Law School whether there were any circumstances under which they would say no to innovation. The class looked stunned and was silent.
A field is emerging that leverages the capacity to collect and analyze data at a scale that may reveal patterns of individual and group behaviors.
With the emergence of new applications centered around the sharing of image data, questions concerning the protection of the privacy of people visible in the scene arise.
Report of a Workshop held in Batu, Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 26–29 July 2007
How did the conflict between Vietnamese nationalists and French colonial rulers erupt into a major Cold War struggle between communism and Western liberalism?
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