Harvard Kennedy School faculty disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.
Faculty Publications
Ignatieff, Michael. "The Torture Wars." Review of The Battle of the Casbah: Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Algeria, 1955-1957, by General Paul Aussaresses. New Republic, 226.15 April 22, 2002.
Jasanoff, Sheila. "A Living Legacy: The Precautionary Ideal in American Law." Precaution, Environmental Science and Preventive Public Policy. Ed. Joel A. Tickner. Island Press, 2002, 227-240.
Juma, Calestous. "Sustaining Tropical Agriculture." Review of Exploring Agrodiversity and the Harvest: Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops, by Harold Brookfield and J. DeVries and G. Toeniessen, respectively. Nature, 415.6875 February 28, 2002: 960-961.
Kelman, Steven. Review of Return to Reason, by Stephen Toulmin. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 21.1 Winter 2002: 155-158.
Kelman, Steven. Review of Knowledge and Social Capital: Foundations and Applications and Getting Agencies to Work Together: The Practice and Theory of Managerial Craftsmanship, by Eric L. Lesser and Eugene Bardach, respectively. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 21.3 Summer 2002: 515-518.
Retsinas, Nicolas, and Eric S. Belsky, eds. Low-Income Homeownership: Examining the Unexamined Goal. Brookings Institution Press, 2002.
Sagar, Ambuj D., and John P. Holdren. "Assessing the Global Energy Innovation System: Some Key Issues." Energy Policy 30 (2002): 465-469.
Stock, James H., and Mark W. Watson. "Macroeconomic Forecasting Using Diffusion Indexes." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 20.2 (2002): 147-162.
Roderick, Melissa, Brian A. Jacob, and Anthony S. Bryk. "The Impact of High-Stakes Testing in Chicago on Student Achievement in the Promotional Gate Grades." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 24.4 (2002): 333-357.
Kellerman, Barbara. "For the People: Can We Fix Public Service?" The Difference "Difference" Makes: Women and Leadership. Ed. Deborah L. Rhode. Stanford University Press, 2002.
Howitt, Arnold (as co-author on Committee on Evaluation of the Metropolitan Medical Response System Program). Preparing for Terrorism: Tools for Evaluating the Metropolitan Medical Response System Program. National Academies Press, 2002.
May, Ernest R., and Philip D. Zelikow, eds. The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis. W.W. Norton; Concise Edition, 2002.
Norris, Pippa. "La Participacion Ciudadana: Mexico Desde Una Perspectiva Comparativa." Deconstruyendo la Ciusasanía: Advances y Retos en el Desarrollo de la Cultura Democrática en Mexico. .Instituto Federal Electoral, 2002.
Nye, Jr., Joseph S. "The Dependent Colossus." Foreign Policy (March/April 2002).
Nye, Jr., Joseph S. "Seven Tests: Between Concert and Unilateralism." The National Interest Winter 2001/2002.
Patterson, Thomas E. "The Vanishing Voter." National Civic Review 91.4 (Winter 2002): 367-378.
Rodrik, Dani. "Did the Malaysian Capital Controls Work?" Preventing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets. Ed. Jeffrey A. Frankel and Sebastian Edwards. University of Chicago Press for NBER, 2002.
Rodrik, Dani. "Trade Policy Reform as Institutional Reform." Development, Trade, and the WTO: A Handbook. Ed. Bernard M. Hoekman, Philip English, and Aaditya Mattoo. World Bank, 2002.
Nye, Jr., Joseph S. "Information Technology and Democratic Governance." Governance.com: Democracy in the Information Age. Ed. Kamarck, Elaine, and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Brookings Institution, 2002, 1-16.
Applbaum, Arthur Isak. "Failure in the Cybermarketplace of Ideas." Governance.com: Democracy in the Information Age. Ed. Kamarck, Elaine, and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Brookings Institution, 2002, 17-31.
Keohane, Robert O., and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. "Power and Interdependence in the Information Age." Governance.com: Democracy in the Information Age. Ed. Kamarck, Elaine, and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Brookings Institution, 2002, 161-178.
Thompson, Dennis F. "Why Deliberative Democracy Is Different" (in French). Philosophique 29 (Autumn 2002): 193-214.
Newell, Richard G., Adam B. Jaffe, and Robert N. Stavins. "The Induced Innovation Hypothesis and Energy-Saving Technological Change." Technological Change and the Environment. Ed. Arnulf Grübler, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, and William D. Nordhaus. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002, 91-126.
Chen, Martha, and Joann Vanek. "Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A Statistical Picture." Employment Sector, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002.
Chen, Martha, Renana Jhabvala, and Frances Lund. “Supporting Workers in the Informal Economy: A Policy Framework.” Employment Sector, International Labour Office, Geneva, Working Paper No. 2, 2002.
Chen, Martha, and Jean Dreze. "Widowhood and Well-Being in Rural North India." The Village in India (Oxford in India Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology). Ed. Vandana Madan. Oxford University Press, 2002.
Ferguson, Ronald. “Ed-Excel Assessment of Secondary School Student Culture, Tabulations by School District and Race/Ethnicity." Minority Student Achievement Network (MSAN), 2002.
Leigh, Andrew K., and Robert D. Putnam. “Reviving Community: What Policy-Makers Can Do to Build Social Capital in Britain and America." Renewal: A Journal of Labour Politics 10.2 (Spring 2002).
Bellin, Eva, Ashton B. Carter, Philip B. Heyman, David Little, Louise M. Richardson, and Jessica Stern. "Understanding Terrorism: A Harvard Magazine Roundtable." Harvard Magazine. January-February 2002.
Clark, William C., et al. The State of the Nation's Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Frankel, Jeffrey A., and David Romer. "Does Trade Cause Growth?" Trade and Growth. Ed. Sir Hans Singer, Neelambar Hatti, and Rameshwar Tandon. Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2002, 701-734.
Wilson, William Julius. "Introduction." American Project. Ed. Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh. Harvard University Press, 2002, 1-12.
Chen, Martha, and Marilyn Carr. "Globalization and the Informal Economy: How Global Trade and Investment Impact on the Working Poor." Employment Sector, International Labour Office, Geneva, Working Paper No. 1, 2002.
Hogan, William W., and John D. Chandley. "Independent Transmission Companies in a Regional Transmission Organization." Working Paper, January 2002.
Sewall, Sarah. "The United States and Multilateral Peace Operations." Multilateralism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Ambivalent Engagement. Ed. Shepard Forman and Stewart Patrick. Lynne Rienner, 2002, 191-224.
Collins, Susan M., and Dani Rodrik, eds. Brookings Trade Forum: 2001. Brookings Institution, 2002.
Borjas, George, and Stephen G. Bronars. "Immigration and the Family." The Economics of Migration (Vol. I). Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermanm and Thomas K. Bauer. Edward Elgar, 2002.
Borjas, George. "Assimilation, Changes in Cohort Quality, and the Earnings of Immigrants." The Economics of Migration (Vol. II). Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann and Thomas K. Bauer. Edward Elgar, 2002.
Borjas, George. "Self-Selection and the Earnings of Immigrants." The Economics of Migration (Vol. II). Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann and Thomas K. Bauer. Edward Elgar, 2002.
Borjas, George. "The Self-Employment Experience of Immigrants." The Economics of Migration (Vol. III). Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann and Thomas K. Bauer. Edward Elgar, 2002.
Borjas, George, and Stephen J. Trejo. "Immigrant Participation in the Welfare System." The Economics of Migration (Vol. III). Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann and Thomas K. Bauer. Edward Elgar, 2002.
Borjas, George, and Lynette Hilton. "Immigration and the Welfare State: Immigrant Participation in Means-tested Entitlement Programs." The Economics of Migration (Vol. III). Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann and Thomas K. Bauer. Edward Elgar, 2002, 408-437.
Borjas, George. "The Intergenerational Mobility of Immigrants." The Economics of Migration (Vol. III). Ed. Klaus F. Zimmermann and Thomas K. Bauer. Edward Elgar, 2002.
Fernández-Arias, Eduardo, and Ricardo Hausmann. "The Redesign of the International Financial Architecture from a Latin American Perspective: Who Pays the Bills?" Debating the Global Financial Architecture. Ed. Leslie Elliott Armijo. SUNY-Albany Press, 2002.
Hausmann, Ricardo, Ugo Panizza, and Ernesto Stein. "Original Sin, Passthrough, and Fear of Floating." Financial Policies in Emerging Markets. Ed. Mario I. Blejer and Marko Skreb. MIT Press, 2002.
Hausmann, Ricardo, and Andrés Velasco. "Hard Money's Soft Underbelly: Understanding the Argentine Crisis." Brookings Trade Forum. .Brookings Institution, 2002.
Caves, Richard E., Jeffrey A. Frankel, and Ronald W. Jones. World Trade and Payments: An Introduction, 9th Edition. Addison-Wesley (subsequently published in Chinese, French, Japanese, and Polish), 2002.
DeConde, Alexander, Richard Dean Burns, and Fredrik Logevall, eds. Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy: Studies in the Principal Movements and Ideas Scribners, 2002.
Donahue, John D. "Review of." Review of Workforce Development and the New Unionism, by Penn Kemble. CommonWealth, Winter 2002.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. Comment on "Long-Term Capital Movements," by Philip R. Lane and Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti. NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2001, 16 2002.