
Harvard Kennedy School faculty disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.

Faculty Publications

Rosengard, Jay, Ashok S. Rai, Aleke Dondo, and Henry O. Oketch. "Microfinance Development in Kenya: Transforming K-Reps's Microenterprise Credit Program Into a Commercial Bank." Equity and Growth through Economic Research/Public Strategies for Growth and Equity Project African Economic Policy Discussion Paper 70, June 2001.
Stavins, Robert N., Sheila M. Cavanagh, and Robert W. Hahn. "National Environmental Policy During the Clinton Years." KSG Faculty Research Working Papers Series RWP01-027, June 2001.
Husock, Howard. "Don't Let CDCs Fool You." City Journal Summer 2001.
Holden, John P. "The Energy-Climate Challenge: Issues for the New U.S. Administration." Environment June 2001: 8-21.
Hunt, Swanee, and Cristina Posa. "Women Waging Peace: Inclusive Security." Foreign Policy 124 (May/June 2001): 38-47.
Carter, Ashton B. "Countering Sokolski." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May/June 2001.
Kamarck, Elaine. "Bush Team Tripped Over Themselves." Newsday, May 29, 2001.
Waldman, Michael. “Bush Faces the Power of Subpoena." New York Times, May 26, 2001: A13.
Gergen, David. "A Presidency Reconsidered." New York Times, May 20, 2001.
Gergen, David. "Listen, Learn - Change." U.S. News & World Report, May 14, 2001.
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, and Samantha Power. "Kerrey Should be Investigated." Boston Globe, May 3, 2001.
Sachs, Jeffrey. "Las Patentes y Los Pobres." Reforma May 2, 2001.
Allison, Graham, and Emily van Bushkirk. "U.S. Policy on Caspian Energy Development and Exports." BCSIA Mini-Case and Paradigm, May 2001.
Stern, Joseph J. "Major Macroeconomic Trends." Transition Indonesia Conference Paper, May 2001.
Fountain, Jane. "Building the Virtual State." NSF Digital Government Program Conference Paper, May 2001.
Fountain, Jane. "Internet Voting and its Implications for Digital Government Research." NSF Digital Government Program Conference Paper, May 2001.
Peterson, Paul E., and David E. Campbell. "An Evaluation of the Children's Scholarship Fund." Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance Research Paper PEPG01-03, May 2001.
Borjas, George. "Dollarization and the Mexican Labor Market." Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking (May 2001): 626-647.
Borjas, George. "Food Insecurity and Public Assistance." Working Paper, May 2001.
Baily, Martin Neil, and Robert Z. Lawrence. "Do We Have a New E-Conomy?" American Economic Review (May 2001).
Katz, Lawrence F., Jeffrey R. Kling, and Jeffrey B. Liebman. "Moving to Opportunity in Boston: Early Results of a Randomized Mobility Experiment." Quarterly Journal of Economics 116.2 (May 2001): 607-654.
Peters, Pauline E., and Peter Walker. "Maps, Metaphors and Meanings: Boundary Struggles and Village Forest Use On Private and State Land in Malawi." Society and Natural Resources 14.5 (May 2001): 411-424.
Rodrik, Dani. "Four Simple Principles for the Democratic Governance of Globalization." Friedrich Ebert Foundation Research Paper, May 2001.
Rodrik, Dani, and Anna Maria Mayda. "Why Are Some Individuals (and Countries) More Protectionist than Others?" Working Paper, May 2001.
Sachs, Jeffrey. "A New Global Commitment to Disease Control in Africa." Nature Medicine 7.5 (May 2001).
Retsinas, Nicolas. "GSEs: Into the Rabbit Hole of Security." Bottom Line May 2001.
Clark, William C., et al. "Sustainability Science." Science 292.5517 (April 27, 2001): 641-642.
Hogan, William W., and Scott M. Harvey. "On the Exercise of Market Power Through Strategic Withholding." Working Paper, April 24, 2001.
Sachs, Jeffrey. "The Benefits of a Weaker Yen." Financial Times, April 18, 2001.
Gergen, David. "'Point-to-Point' Politics." U.S. News & World Report, April 16, 2001.
Gergen, David. "Risking the Environment." U.S. News & World Report, April 9, 2001.
Ignatieff, Michael. "Lemkin's Word: The Danger of a World Without Enemies." Ottawa Citizen, April 8, 2001.
Sachs, Jeffrey. "A Global Fund for the Fight Against AIDS." Washington Post, April 7, 2001.
Zinberg, Dorothy. "When We Are What We Do." The London Times Higher Education Supplement April 6, 2001.
Stavins, Robert N. "Give Bush Time on Climate Issues." Boston Globe, April 4, 2001.
Allison, Graham and Sergei Karaganov. "U.S.-Russian Dialogue is Needed to Head Off a New Cold War International Herald Tribune, April 3, 2001.
Pritchett, Lant. "India Health Report." World Bank Report, April 2001.
Ignatieff, Michael. "What did the C.I.A. Do to Eric Olson's Father?" New York Times Magazine April 1, 2001.
Hausmann, Ricardo. "After 10 Years of Convertibility: Should Argentina Move to Greener Pastures?" Conference on the 10th Anniversary of the Convertibility Law Conference Paper, April 2001.
Syme, Serena, and L. Jean Camp. "Code as Governance, The Governance of Code." KSG Faculty Research Working Papers Series RWP01-014, April 2001.
Luttmer, Erzo F.P. "Can Income Redistribution Be Privatized?" Unpublished Manuscript, April 2001.
Bane, Mary Jo. "Expertise, Advocacy, and Deliberation: Lessons from Welfare Reform." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (April 2001).
Behn, Robert. "Big Cuts, Big Pain." Governing April 2001: 69.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. "An Estimate of the Effect of Common Currencies on Trade and Income." KSG Faculty Research Working Papers Series RWP01-013, April 2001.
Lazer, David. "Regulatory Interdependence and International Governance." Journal of European Public Policy (April 2001): 474-492.
Norris, Pippa. "Digital Parties." European Consortium of Political Research Joint Workshops Conference Paper, April 2001.
Piehl, Anne Morrison, Suzanne J. Cooper, David M. Kennedy, and Anthony A. Braga. "Testing for Structural Breaks in the Evaluation of Programs." KSG Faculty Research Working Papers Series RWP01-019, April 2001.
Pritchett, Lant. "Indonesia Poverty Assessment." World Bank Report, April 2001.
Rodrik, Dani. "Why is There So Much Economic Insecurity in Latin America?" CEPAL Review 73 (April 2001).
Putnam, Robert D. "Social Capital: Measurement and Consequences." Isuma: Canadian Journal of Policy Research 2 (Spring 2001): 41-51.