Who Benefits from the Education Saving Incentives: Income, Educational Expectations and the Value of the 529 and Coverdell.
This paper examines the incentives created by the 529 and Coverdell tax-advantaged savings accounts. I find that the advantages of the 529 and Coverdell rise sharply with income, for three reasons.
Money Has Not Been Left Behind.
Tax Policy and Education Policy: Collision or Coordination? A Case Study of the 529 and Coverdell Savings Incentives.
The New Merit Aid.
Since the early Nineties, over a dozen states have established broad-based merit aid programs. The typical program waives tuition and fees at public colleges and universities in one’s home state.
Uses of Theory in Randomized Field Trials.
To Catch a Cheat.
Remedial Education and Student Achievement: A Regression-Discontinuity Analysis.
Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds
“Summer in the City: Achievement Gains in Chicago’s Summer Bridge Program.
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