Lee Kuan Yew: The Sage of Asia
Lee Kuan Yew: Lessons for Leaders from Asia's Grand Master
The Sayings of Lee Kuan Yew, the Sage of Singapore
The Hero Europe Needed
David Axelrod’s Believer
Would Barack Obama have been elected president without David Axelrod? That question is less far-fetched than it may seem.
Is the American Century Over?
or more than a century, the United States has been the world's most powerful state. Now some analysts predict that China will soon take its place.
Presidential Address: Structure, Contingency, and the War in Vietnam
The PerformanceStat Potential: A Leadership Strategy for Producing Results
Reflections on a Survey of Global Perceptions of International Leaders and World Powers
A recent survey asks citizens from 30 countries for their views on 10 influential national leaders who have a global impact. There are many rich findings among the data.
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