Harvard Kennedy School faculty disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.
Faculty Publications
Rozema, Kyle, Daniel Epps, Adam Chilton, and Maya Sen. "The Endgame of Court-Packing." Washington University in St. Louis School for Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series, May 4, 2023.
Automated Court Date Reminders Reduce Warrants for Arrest: Evidence from a Text Messaging Experiment
Chohlas-Wood, Alex, Madison Coots, Joe Nudell, Julian Nyarko, Emma Brunskill, Todd Rogers, and Sharad Goel. "Automated Court Date Reminders Reduce Warrants for Arrest: Evidence from a Text Messaging Experiment." .
Walt, Stephen M. "U.S. Foreign Policy Is About to Get Boring." Foreign Policy, May 4, 2023.
Stansbury, Anna, Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, and Karen Dynan. "Gender gaps in South Korea’s labour market: children explain most of the gender employment gap, but little of the gender wage gap." Applied Economics Letters (May 3, 2023).
Festa, Natalia, Lidia MVR Moura, Deborah Blacker, Joseph P. Newhouse, and John Hsu. "Promise and peril of claims-based dementia ascertainment in causal inference." BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine (May 2, 2023).
Diodato, Dario, Ricardo Hausmann, and Frank Neffke. "The Impact of Return Migration on Employment and Wages in Mexican Cities." Journal of Urban Economics 135 (May 2023): 103557.
Raphael, Steve and Daniel Schneider. "Introduction to The Socioeconomic Impacts of Covid-19." RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 9.3 (May 2023): 1-30.
Aldy, Joseph E., and Maximilian Auffhammer. "Localizing Environmental Regulation: The Case of Boutique Fuels." Resources for the Future, May 2023.
Linos, Elizabeth. "Translating Behavioral Economics Evidence into Policy and Practice." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report, May 2023.
Horn, Sebastian, Bradley C. Parks, Carmen M. Reinhart, and Christoph Trebesch. "Debt Distress on China's Belt and Road." AEA Papers and Proceedings 113 (May 2023): 131-34.
Grosset, Florian, Anna Papp, and Charles A. Taylor. "Rain Follows the Forest: Land Use Policy, Climate Change, and Adaptation." May 2023.
Goldsmith, Stephen, and Betsy Gardner. "Procuring Digital Infrastructure: How System Approaches Can Produce Public Value." Data-Smart City Solutions, May 2023.
Mitter, Rana. "The Chinese Global in the Long Postwar: Narratives of War, Civilization, and Infrastructure since 1945." Debating Worlds: Contested Narratives of Global Modernity and World Order. Ed. Daniel Deudney, G. John Ikenberry, and Karoline Postel-Vinay. Oxford University Press, 2023, 162-183.
Carlana, Michela, Eliana La Ferrara, and Carolina Lopez. "Exacerbated Inequalities: The Learning Loss from COVID-19 in Italy." AEA Papers and Proceedings 113 (May 2023): 489-493.
Ho, Lisa, Emily Breza, Abhijit Banerjee, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Fatima C. Stanford, Renato Fior, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Kelly Holland, Emily Hoppe, Louis- Maël Jean, Lucy Ogbu-Nwobodo, Benjamin A. Olken, Carlos Torres, Pierre-Luc Vautrey, Erica Warner, Esther Duflo, and Marcella Alsan. "The Impact of Large-Scale Social Media Advertising Campaigns on COVID-19 Vaccination: Evidence from Two Randomized Controlled Trials." AEA Papers and Proceedings 113 (May 2023): 653-658.
Alsan, Marcella, Luca Braghieri, Sarah Eichmeyer, Minjeong Joyce Kim, Stefanie Stantcheva, and David Y. Yang. "The Health of Democracies during the Pandemic: Results from a Randomized Survey Experiment." AEA Papers and Proceedings 113 (May 2023): 572-576.
VanderWeele, Tyler J., and Arthur Brooks. "A Public Health Approach to Negative News Media: The 3-to-1 Solution." American Journal of Health Promotion 37.4 (May 2023): 447-449.
Allison, Graham. "The Inconvenient Truth About U.S. Growth." Barron's, April 28, 2023.
Allen, Danielle. Justice by Means of Democracy. University of Chicago Press, 2023.
Bilmes, Linda J. "Why is federal spending so hard to cut? — Recurring debt ceiling fights will only be solved by budget reform." Brookings FixGov, April 27, 2023.
Allison, Graham. "Why Biden and Yoon’s Agreement Is a Big Deal." Foreign Policy, April 27, 2023.
Nye, Joseph S. Soft Power and Great-Power Competition. Springer Singapore, 2023.
Kalb, Marvin. "Fox still prevails, for now." Brookings FixGov, April 25, 2023.
Nye, Joseph S. Jr. "Nuclear Ethics Revisited." Ethics & International Affairs 37.1 (Spring 2023): 5-17.
Frankel, Jeffrey. "Debt Restructuring for Commodity Exporters." Project Syndicate, April 25, 2023.
Aldy, Joseph, Patrick Bolton, Zachery Halem, Marcin T. Kacperczyk, and Peter R. Orszag. "Show and Tell: An Analysis of Corporate Climate Messaging and its Financial Impacts." April 22, 2023.
Gulesci, Selim, Sam Jindani, Eliana La Ferrara, David Smerdon, Munshi Sulaiman, and H. Peyton Young. "A Stepping Stone Approach to Norm Transitions." vlog Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP23-013, April 2023.
Walt, Stephen M. "Ukraine and Russia Need a Great-Power Peace Plan." Foreign Policy, April 18, 2023.
Barron, Patrick, Louise Cord, José Cuesta, Sabina Espinoza, Greg Larson, and Michael Woolcock. Social Sustainability in Development: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century. The World Bank, 2023.
Koenecke, Allison, Eric Giannella, Robb Willer, and Sharad Goel. "Popular Support for Balancing Equity and Efficiency in Resource Allocation: A Case Study in Online Advertising to Increase Welfare Program Awareness." April 17, 2023.
Bordoff, Jason, and Meghan L. O'Sullivan. "The Age of Energy Insecurity: How the Fight for Resources Is Upending Geopolitics Essays." Foreign Affairs 102.3 (May/June 2023): 104-119.
Fagan, Mark. "AI for the People: The Use of AI to Improve Government Performance." M-RCBG Faculty Working Paper Series, April 2023.
Digidiki, Vasileia, and Jacqueline Bhabha. "The Hidden Costs of Unaccompanied Child Migration." The International Journal of Children's Rights 31.1 (April 2023): 114-136.
Schwartz, Aaron L., Marcella Alsan, Alanna A. Morris, and Scott D. Halpern. "Why Diverse Clinical Trial Participation Matters." New England Journal of Medicine 388.14 (April 6, 2023): 1252-1254.
Ilzetzki, Ethan, Carmen Reinhart, and Kenneth Rogoff. "Exchange Rate Volatility and Monetary Policy." Vox EU, April 4, 2023.
Mansbridge, Jane. "The future of political theory: Lippincott lecture." Contemporary Political Theory (April 2023).
Tomkins, Sabina, Keniel Yao, Johann Gaebler, Tobias Konitzer, David Rothschild, Marc Meredith, and Sharad Goel. "Blocks as Geographic Discontinuities: The Effect of Polling-Place Assignment on Voting." Political Analysis 31.2 (April 2023): 165-180.
Baicker, Katherine, Amitabh Chandra, and Mark Shepard. "Achieving Universal Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: Addressing Market Failures or Providing a Social Floor?" Journal of Economic Perspectives 37.2 (Spring 2023): 99-122.
Walt, Stephen M. "Biden’s State Department Needs a Reset." Foreign Policy, April 1, 2023.
Deming, David, Joseph B. Fuller, Rachel Lipson, Kerry McKittrick, Ali Epstein, and Emma Catalfamo. "Delivering on the Degree: The College-to-Jobs Playbook." Project on Workforce, Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy, April 2023.
Rae, Ali I., Anam Noor Ehsan, Alan Yang, Hannah Gilder, Niteesh K. Choudhary, Justin B. Dimick, Marcella Alsan, Andrea Pusic, Kavitha L. Ranganathan. "The Epidemiology of Postoperative Catastrophic Health Expenditure in The United States." Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 11.4S (April 2023): 51.
Bùi, Thao-Nguyên, Tim Freeman, Ricardo Hausmann, Farah Kaddah, Lucas Lamby, Tim O’Brien, and Eric Protzer. "Housing in Wyoming: Constraints and Solutions." CID Faculty Working Paper Series, April 2023.
Hausmann, Ricardo, Miguel Ángel Santos, Jorge Tudela Pye, Frank Muci, Yang Li, Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Ana Cristina Grisanti, and Jessie Lu. "Policy Recommendations for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Peruvian Amazonia." CID Faculty Working Paper Series, April 2023.
Muhammad, Khalil, and Angel Cardo Rodriguez. "Antiracist Institutional Change in Healthcare." Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project, Ash Center for Democratic Governanance and Innovation, March 2023.
Holdren, John P. "Priorities for Norway’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council." Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs Press Release, March 31, 2023.
Coelho, Lilian Maria Godeiro, Deborah Blacker, John Hsu, Joseph P. Newhouse, M. Brandon Westover, Sahar F. Zafar, and Lidia M.V.R. Moura. "Association of Early Seizure Prophylaxis With Posttraumatic Seizures and Mortality: A Meta-analysis With Evidence Quality Assessment." Neurology: Clinical Practice 13.3 (June 2023).
Cohen, Joshua, and Archon Fung. "Democratic responsibility in the digital public sphere." Constellations (March 2023): 92-97.
Rodrik, Dani. "On Productivism." vlog Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP23-012, March 2023.
Horn, Sebastian, Bradley C. Parks, Carmen M. Reinhart, and Cristoph Trebesch. "China as an International Lender of Last Resort." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, March 2023.
Walt, Stephen M. "Some Rules of Global Politics Matter More Than Others." Foreign Policy, March 27, 2023.