Harvard Kennedy School faculty disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.
Faculty Publications
Banerjee, Abhijit, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken, Elan Satriawan, and Sudarno Sumarto. "Food vs. Food Stamps: Evidence from an At-Scale Experiment in Indonesia." NBER Working Paper Series, April 2021.
Cheng, Albert, and Paul E. Peterson. "Experimentally Estimated Impacts of School Vouchers on Educational Attainments of Moderately and Severely Disadvantaged Students." Sociology of Education 94.2 (April 2021): 159-174.
Newhouse, Joseph P. "Commentary on: The effects of coding intensity in Medicare advantage on plan benefits and finances." Health Services Research, 56.2, April 2021, 175.
Krause, Peter, Ora Szekely, Mia Bloom, Fotini Christia, Sarah Zukerman Daly, Chappell Lawson, Zoe Marks, Aidan Milliff, Kacie Miura, Richard Nielsen, William Reno, Emil Aslan Souleimanov, and Aliyu Zakayo. "COVID-19 and Fieldwork: Challenges and Solutions." PS: Political Science & Politics 54.2 (April 2021): 264-269.
Sanghavi, Prachi, Anupam B. Jena, Joseph P. Newhouse, and Alan M. Zaslavsky. "Identifying outlier patterns of inconsistent ambulance billing in Medicare." Health Services Research 56.2 (April 2021): 188-192.
Reinhart, Carmen. "From Health Crisis to Financial Distress." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, April 2021.
Kerner, Catherine and Mathias Risse. "Beyond Porn and Discreditation: Epistemic Promises and Perils of Deepfake Technology in Digital Lifeworlds." Moral Philosophy and Politics 8.1 (2021): 81-108.
Cohen, Dara Kay, Connor Huff, and Robert Schub. "At War and at Home: The Consequences of US Women Combat Casualties." Journal of Conflict Resolution 65.4 (2021): 647-671.
Hausmann, Ricardo, Ana Grisanti, Douglas Barrios, Eric S. M. Protzer, Jorge Tapia, Nikita Taniparti, Rushabh Sanghvi, Semiray Kasoolu, and Tim O'Brien. "Western Australia – Research Findings and Policy Recommendations." CID Faculty Working Papers Series, April 2021.
Beck, Silke, Sheila Jasanoff, Andy Stirling, and Christine Polzin. "The governance of sociotechnical transformations to sustainability." Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 49 (April 2021): 143-152.
Horton, Joshua B., Penehuro Lefale, and David Keith. "Parametric Insurance for Solar Geoengineering: Insights from the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative." Global Policy 12.S1 (April 2021): 97-107.
Hausmann, Ricardo, Eric Protzer, Jorge Tapia, and Ana Grisanti. "Economic Complexity Report for Western Australia." CID Working Paper Series, April 2021.
Hausmann, Ricardo, Douglas Barrios, Ana Grisanti, Semiray Kasoolu, Tim O'Brien, Eric Protzer, Rushabh Sanghvi, Nikita Taniparti, and Jorge Tapia. "Growth Perspective on Western Australia." CID Working Paper Series, April 2021.
Woolcock, Michael. "The Social Life of Articles: Some Reflections on the Making and Impact of ‘Social Capital and Economic Development’." Theory and Society 50.3 (April 2021): 381-392.
Behrer, A. Patrick, Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto, and Andrei Shleifer. "Securing Property Rights." Journal of Political Economy 129.4 (April 2021): 1157-1192.
Partisan selective exposure in online news consumption: evidence from the 2016 presidential campaign
Peterson, Erik, Sharad Goel, and Shanto Iyengar. "Partisan selective exposure in online news consumption: evidence from the 2016 presidential campaign." Political Science Research and Methods 9.2 (April 2021): 242-258.
Graf von Luckner, Clemens, Josefin Meyer, Carmen Reinhart, and Christoph Trebesch. "External sovereign debt restructurings: Delay and replay." VoxEU. March 2021.
Jasanoff, Sheila, Ian McGonigle, and Hallam Stevens. "Science and Technology for Humanity: An STS View from Singapore." East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 15.1 (March 2021): 68-78.
Chenoweth, Erica. Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Atkinson, Caroline, Paul Barrett, Lynda Clarizio, Dipayan Ghosh, John Haigh, Thomas Melia, Michael Posner, Vivian Schiller, and Clint Watts. "Recommendations to the Biden Administration: On Regulating Disinformation and Other Harmful Content on Social Media." March 2021.
Burns, Nicholas. "Leading by Action: The Fierce Urgency for Diversity and Inclusion in the Foreign Policy Workforce." Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs, U.S. Hou, March 25, 2021.
Sen, Maya. "Written Testimony on the Importance of Judicial Diversity." Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, 03/25/2021.
Dobbie, Will, and Crystal Yang. "The Economic Costs of Pretrial Detention." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (March 24, 2021).
Sikkink, Kathryn. "Introductory Remarks." Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 115 (March 2021): 257-265.
Lawrence, Robert Z. "The unappreciated trend toward unilateral trade liberalization." Peterson Institute for International Economics Policy Briefs, March 2021.
Henderson, Michael B., Paul E. Peterson, and Martin R. West. "Pandemic Parent Survey Finds Perverse Pattern: Students Are More Likely to Be Attending School in Person Where Covid Is Spreading More Rapidly: Majority of students receiving fully remote instruction; private-school students more likely to be in person full time." Education Next 21.2 (Spring 2021): 34-48.
Peterson, Paul E. "To Critics of The Beautiful Tree, a Pearl of a Reply: Was that test on which the experiment depends taken in English or Telugu?" Review of Really Good Schools: Global Lessons for High-Caliber, Low-Cost Education, by James N. Tooley. Education Next, 21.2, March 2021: 78-79.
Kalb, Marvin. Assignment Russia: Becoming a Foreign Correspondent in the Crucible of the Cold War. Brookings Institution Press, 2021.
Mayne, Quinton, and Shane P. Singh. "The Political-Economic Correlates of Discursive Engagement in Europe." Political Research Quarterly (March 2021).
Patterson, Thomas E. "Republican Death Rattle." Challenge 64.2 (March 2021): 89-99.
Perlis, Roy H., Katherine Ognyanova, Mauricio Santillana, Matthew A. Baum, David Lazer, James Druckman, and John Della Volpe. "Association of acute symptoms of COVID-19 and symptoms of depression in adults." JAMA network open 4, no. 3 (2021): e213223-e213223.
Ramelli, Stefano, Alexander F. Wagner, Richard J. Zeckhauser, and Alexandre Ziegler. "Investor Rewards to Climate Responsibility: Stock-Price Responses to the Opposite Shocks of the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Elections." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP21-011, March 2021.
Rodrik, Dani. "How Economists and Non-Economists Can Get Along." Project Syndicate. March 2021.
Perlis, Roy H., Jon Green, Mauricio Santillana, David Lazer, Katherine Ognyanova, Matthew Simonson, Matthew A. Baum et al. "Persistence of symptoms up to 10 months following acute COVID-19 illness." MedRxiv (2021).
Evans, Mary, Karen Palmer, Joseph Aldy, Meredith Fowlie, Matthew Kotchen, and Arik Levinson. "The Role of Retrospective Analysis in an Era of Deregulation: Lessons from the U.S. Mercury Air Toxic Standards." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP21-010, March 2021.
Co-Benefits and Regulatory Impact Analysis:
Theory and Evidence from Federal Air Quality
Aldy, Joseph, Matthew Kotchen, Mary Evans, Meredith Fowlie, Arik Levinson, and Karen Palmer. "Co-Benefits and Regulatory Impact Analysis: Theory and Evidence from Federal Air Quality Regulations." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP21-009, March 2021.
Aldy, Joseph E., Giles Atkinson, and Matthew Kotchen. "Environmental Benefit-Cost Analysis: A Comparative Analysis Between the United States and the United Kingdom." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP21-008, March 2021.
O’Clery, Neave, Muhammed Ali Yildirim, and Ricardo Hausmann. "Productive Ecosystems and the arrow of development." Nature Communications 12.1 (March 2021): 1479.
Shattuck, John, and Mathias Risse. "Reimagining Rights and Responsibilities in the United States: Equal Access to Public Goods and Services." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP21-007, March 2021.
Shattuck, John, and Mathias Risse. "Reimagining Rights & Responsibilities in the United States: Gun Rights and Public Safety." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP21-006, March 2021.
Chandra, Amitabh, Evan Flack, and Ziad Obermeyer. "The Health Costs of Cost-Sharing." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP21-005, March 2021.
Luca, Michael, and Max Bazerman. The Power of Experiments: Decision Making in a Data-Driven World. MIT Press, 2021.
Norris, Pippa. "What Maximizes Productivity and Impact in Political Science Research?" European Political Science 20.1 (March 2021).
Shattuck, John, and Mathias Risse. "Reimagining Rights & Responsibilities in the United States: Freedom of Speech and Media." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP21-004, March 2021.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. "Biden Administration’s Sensible Stimulus." The Project Syndicate, March 2021.
Anastasopoulos, L. Jason, George J. Borjas, Gavin G. Cook, and Michael Lachanski. "Job Vacancies and Immigration: Evidence from the Mariel Supply Shock." Journal of Human Capital 15.1 (Spring 2021): 1-33.
Salles, MaurÃcio B. C., Taina N. Gadotti, Michael J. Aziz, and William W. Hogan. "Potential revenue and breakeven of energy storage systems in PJM energy markets." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (March 2021): 12357-12368.
Bhabha, Jacqueline. "Reflections on Eric Weitz, A World Divided." Comment on A world divided: The global struggle for human rights in the age of nation-states, by Eric D. Weitz. Journal of Genocide Research, 23.1, March 2021: 146-149.
Biasi, Barbara, David J. Deming, and Petra Moser. "Education and Innovation." NBER Working Paper Series, March 2021.
de Benedictis Kessner, Justin. "Strategic Government Communication About Performance." Political Science Research and Methods (March 2021).