
Harvard Kennedy School faculty disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.

Faculty Publications

Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Bobbi Thomason. "Negotiating Your Next Job: Focus on Your Role, Responsibilities, and Career Trajectory, not Salary." Harvard Business Review 99.1 (January-February 2021): 68-75.
Masoud, Tarek. "The Arab Spring at 10: Kings or People?" Journal of Democracy 32.1 (January 2021): 139-154.
Nye, Jr., Joseph S. "What Now? A Symposium on the Future of the United States." National Interest. January/February 2021.
Allison, Graham. "Grave New World: Why Biden’s Job Will Be So Much Harder Than His Predecessors’." Foreign Policy, January 15, 2021.
Eck, Kristine, and Dara Kay Cohen. "Time For a Change: The Ethics of Student-led Human Subjects Research on Political Violence." Third World Quarterly (January 2021).
Peterson, Paul E. "Vaccination by Age Is the Way to Go." Wall Street Journal, January 12, 2021.
Jasanoff, Sheila, Stephen Hilgartner, J. Benjamin Hurlbut, Onur Özgöde, and Margarita Rayzberg. "Comparative Covid Response: Crisis, Knowledge, Politics." January 2021.
Norris, Pippa. "It Happened in America." Foreign Affairs, January 7, 2021.
Reinhart, Carmen. "The quiet financial crisis." World Bank Blogs: Let's Talk Development. January 2021.
Avery, Christopher, and Parag A. Pathak. "The Distributional Consequences of Public School Choice." American Economic Review 111.1 (January 2021): 129-52.
Moore, Mark H. "Creating Public Value: The Core Idea of Strategic Management in Government." International Journal of Professional Business Review 6.1 (January 2021): 219.
Bhatia, Amiya, Elizabeth Donger, and Jacqueline Bhabha. "‘Without an Aadhaar card nothing could be done’: a mixed methods study of biometric identification and birth registration for children in Varanasi, India." Information Technology for Development 27.1 (January 2021): 129-149.
Baum, Matthew A., Dannagal G. Young, and Duncan Prettyman. "vMOBilize: Gamifying Civic Learning and Political Engagement in a Classroom Context." Journal of Political Science Education (January 2021).
Power, Samantha. "The Can-Do Power: America’s Advantage and Biden’s Chance." Foreign Affairs. January/February 2021, 10-24.
Walt, Stephen. "After the Coronavirus: Authoritarians Look Worse Now." Foreign Policy, January 1, 2021, 113.
Garay, Candelaria. "Including Outsiders in Latin America." The Inclusionary Turn in Latin American Democracies. Ed. Diana Kapiszewski, Steven Levitsky, and Deborah J. Yashar. Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. "Republicans Are Rediscovering the Dangers of Budget Deficits." The Guardian, January 2021.
Bonica, Adam, and Maya Sen. "Estimating Judicial Ideology." Journal of Economic Perspectives 35.1 (Winter 2021): 97-118.
Stavins, Robert N. "Book Review: James M. Gabler: Passions: The Wines and Travels of Thomas Jefferson." Review of Journal of Wine Economics, 16 , 2021: 102-114.
Stavins, Robert N. "Domestic Challenges Could Limit New US Climate Policy." East Asia Forum Quarterly (January-March 2021).
Huang, Karen, Regan M. Bernhard, Netta Barak-Corren, Max H. Bazerman and Joshua D. Greene. "Veil-of-Ignorance Reasoning Mitigates Self-Serving Bias in Resource Allocation During the COVID-19 Crisis." Judgment and Decision Making 16.1 (January 2021): 1-19.
Chilazi, Siri, and Irish Bohnet. "Économie comportementale: quand défi nir des objectifs aide à promouvoir la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion." Guide de l'Économie Comportementale (2021): 21-38.
Furman, Jason. "The Crisis Opportunity: What It Will Take to Build Back a Better Economy." Foreign Affairs 100.1 (January/February 2021): 25-35.
Oliver Harman, Anders Jensen, Farria Naeem, Moussa Saab, Shahrukh Wani, and Nick Wilkinson. "Covid-19 and taxes: policies for the post-pandemic recovery." International Growth Centre Policy Briefs, January 2021.
Phillips, Sarah F., Ronald F. Ferguson, and Jacob F.S. Rowley. "Do They See What I See? Toward a Better Understanding of the 7Cs Framework for Teaching Effectiveness." Educational Assessment 26.2 (January 2021): 69-87.
Norris, Pippa. "Participation in Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes." Oxford Handbook of Political Participation. Ed. Maria Grasso and Marco Giugni. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Norris, Pippa. "It Happened in America: Democratic Backsliding Shouldn’t Have Come as a Surprise." Foreign Affairs (January 2021).
Henderson, Michael B., David M. Houston, Paul E. Peterson, M. Danish Shakeel, and Martin R. West. "Amid Pandemic, Support Soars for Online Learning: Results from the 2020 Education Next survey of public opinion." Education Next 21.1 (Winter 2021): 6-22.
Houston, David M., Michael B Henderson, Paul E. Peterson, and Martin R West. "Public Opinion, Attitude Stability, and Education Policy." Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series, January 2021.
Henderson, Michael B., David M. Houston, Paul E. Peterson and Martin R. West. "What American Families Experienced When Covid-19 Closed Their Schools." Education Next 21.1 (Winter 2021): 45-59.
Shakeel, M. Danish, and Paul E. Peterson. "Charter Schools Show Steeper Upward Trend in Student Achievement than District Schools." Education Next 21.1 (Winter 2021): 40-48.
Power, Samantha. "La ventaja de Estados Unidos y la oportunidad de Biden: el poder de la capacidad de hacer." Foreign affairs: Latinoamérica 21.1 (January 2021): 2-15.
Moura, Lidia M. V. R., Jason R. Smith, Zhiyu Yan, Deborah Blacker, Lee H. Schwamm, Joseph P. Newhouse, Sonia Hernandez-Diaz, and John Hsu. "Patterns of anticonvulsant use and adverse drug events in older adults." Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 30.1 (January 2021): 28-36.
Packard, Grant, Jonah Berger, Reihane Boghrati, Michael Yeomans, Julia Minson, Hanne Collins, Francesca Gino, Grant Donnelly, Kristin Hurst, Nicole Sintov, and Yang Li. "Understanding Consumer Conversations." Advances in Consumer Research 49 (2021): 780-785.
Reinhart, Carmen, and Vincent Reinhart. "La depresión de la pandemia: la economía mundial nunca volverá a ser la misma." Foreign affairs: Latinoamérica 21.1 (January 2021): 106-114.
Bowles, Hannah Riley, and Bobbi Thomason. "Negotiating Your Next Job." Harvard Business Review. January-February 2021.
Ganguli, Ina, Ricardo Hausmann, and Martina Viarengo. "Gender Differences in Professional Career Dynamics: New Evidence from a Global Law Firm." Economica 88.349 (January 2021): 105-128.
Woolcock, Michael, and Gary Milante. "Fiscal Policy in Fragile Situations: Flying in Fog with Limited Instrumentation." Macroeconomic Policy in Fragile States. Ed. Ralph Chami, Rafael Espinoza, and Peter Montiel. Oxford University Press, 2021, 271-296.
Nye, Jr., Joseph S. "Cold War with China is Avoidable." Wall Street Journal - Online Edition. December 31, 2020.
Allison, Graham. "Who Made the Vaccine Possible? Not WHO: Pharmaceutical Companies and Trump's Operation Warp Speed Deserve the Vast Bulk of the Credit." Wall Street Journal - Online Edition. December 24, 2020.
Lawrence, Robert Z. "Memo to the European Commission on the future of European trade policy." Peterson Institute for International Economics, December 2020.
Dai, Zhen, Debra K. Weisenstein, Frank N. Keutsch, and David W. Keith. "Experimental Reaction Rates Constrain Estimates of Ozone Response to Calcium Carbonate Geoengineering." Communications Earth & Environment 1.1 (December 2020): 1-9.
Taylor, Charles A., Christopher Boulosb, and Douglas Almonda. "Livestock plants and COVID-19 transmission." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol.117.50 (December 15, 2020): 31706-31715.
Newhouse, Joseph P. "The Design of the RAND Health Insurance Experiment: A Retrospective." Evaluation Review (December 2020).
Shattuck, John, and Mathias Risse. "Racial Discrimination." Reimagining Rights and Responsibilities in the United States, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, 12/8/2020.
Lee, Matthew, and Julie Battilana. "How the Zebra Got its Stripes: Individual Founder Imprinting and Hybrid Social Ventures." Organizational Hybridity: Perspectives, Processes, Promises. Ed. Marya L. Besharov and Bjoern C. Mitzinneck. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020, 139-165.
Seeley, Jacob T., Nicholas J. Lutsko, and David W. Keith. "Designing a Radiative Antidote to CO2." Geophysical Research Letters 48.1 (December 2020).
Avery, Christopher, Susan Dynarski, and Sarah Turner. "Low-Income Students Lose Ground." Science 370.6521 (December 4, 2020): 1141.
Garrett, Shaylyn Romney, and Robert D. Putnam. "Why Did Racial Progress Stall in America?" New York Times, 12/04/2020.
Chilazi, Siri, and Iris Bohnet. "How to Best Use Data to Meet Your DE&I Goals." Harvard Business Review. 12/03/2020.