Harvard Kennedy School faculty disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.
Faculty Publications
Putnam, Robert D., and Shaylyn Romney Garrett. "America's Past Has Shown the Power of 'We.' Here's How We Can Revive It." Time.com. 12/03/2020.
Chilazi, Siri, and Iris Bohnet. "How to Best Use Data to Meet Your DE&I Goals." Harvard Business Review. 12/03/2020.
Dynan, Karen. "The Risk of Financial Hardship in Retirement: A Cohort Analysis." Remaking Retirement: Debt in an Aging Economy. Ed. Olivia Mitchell and Annamaria Lusardi. Oxford University Press, 2020.
O'Sullivan, Meghan. "What Does Success Look Like for a Climate Czar?" Bloomberg Opinion, 12/2/2020.
Norris, Pippa. "Electoral Integrity in the 2020 U.S. Elections." Electoral Integrity Project, December 2020.
Brodsky, Lauren. "How to Complete a Group Writing Assignment over Zoom." Fast Company. 12/01/20.
Bonica, Adam, and Maya Sen. The Judicial Tug of War: How Lawyers, Politicians, and Political Incentives Shape the American Judiciary. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Stock, James H., and Mark W. Watson. "Slack and Cyclically Sensitive Inflation." Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 52.S2 (December 2020): 393-428.
Benson, Nicole M., Catherine Myong, Joseph P. Newhouse, Vicki Fung, and John Hsu. "Psychiatrist Participation in Private Health Insurance Markets: Paucity in the Land of Plenty." Psychiatric Services 71.12 (December 2020): 1232-1238.
Ferrer, Rebecca A., Jennifer M. Taber, Paschal Sheeran, Angela D. Bryan, Linda D. Cameron, Ellen Peters, Jennifer S. Lerner, Emily Grenen, and William M.P. Klein. "The role of incidental affective states in appetitive risk behavior: A meta-analysis." Health Psychology 39.12 (2020): 1109-1124.
Burns, Nicholas, Daniela Schwarzer, Torrey Taussig, Sophia Becker, Josef Braml, Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook, Anthony Gardner, Thomas Gomart, Christian Mölling, Robin Niblett, Victoria Nuland, Kristi Raik, David E. Sanger, Amanda Sloat, Constanze Stelzenmüller, Nathalie Tocci. "Stronger Together: A Strategy to Revitalize Transatlantic Power." Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship, Harvard Kennedy School and German Council on Foreign Relations, December 2020.
Marcus Peacock, Donald Bathurst, Linda Bilmes, Sheila Burke and Margaret Sherry. "Assessment of the National Park Service Museum Collections Storage Management. National Academy of Public Administration, December 2020." National Academy of Public Administration, December 2020.
Harknett, Kristen, Daniel Schneider, and Rebecca Wolfe. "Losing Sleep over Work Scheduling? The Relationship between Work Schedules and Sleep Quality for Service Sector Workers." SSM-Population Health 12 (December 2020): 100681.
Mahomed, Faraaz, Jacqueline Bhabha, Michael Ashley Stein, and Dainius Puras. "Establishing Good Practice for Human Rights-Based Approaches to Mental Health Care and Psychosocial Support in Kenya." Health and Human Rights 22.2 (December 2020): 139.
Digidiki, Vasileia, and Jacqueline Bhabha. "EU Migration Pact Fails to Address Human Rights Concerns in Lesvos, Greece." Health and Human Rights 22.2 (December 2020): 291–296.
Leary, Kimberlyn, and Michael Wheeler. "The Luck Factor in Negotiation." Negotiation Journal 36.1 (Winter 2020): 7-12.
Schneer, Benjamin. "Drawing a Line." Harvard Kennedy School Magazine, Winter 2020.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. "Joe Biden Will Lead the US Back to International Cooperation." The Guardian, December 2020.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. "The Three Most Misused Phrases in US Politics in 2020." The Guardian, December 2020.
Zlatev, Julian J., and Todd Rogers. "Returnable Reciprocity: Returnable Gifts are More Effective than Unreturnable Gifts at Promoting Virtuous Behaviors." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 161, Supplement (November 2020): 74-84.
Furman, Jason, and Lawrence H. Summers. "A Reconsideration of Fiscal Policy in the Era of Low Interest Rates." November 30, 2020.
Shattuck, John, and Mathias Risse. "Reimagining Rights and Responsibilities in the United States: Civic Education." Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, 11/30/2020.
Hausmann, Ricardo, Douglas Barrios, Daniela Muhaj, Sehar Noor, Carolina Pan, Miguel Angel Santos, Jorge Tapia, and Bruno Zuccolo. "Emerging Cities as Independent Engines of Growth: The Case of Buenos Aires." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-036, November 2020.
Alsan, Marcella, Katherine Eriksson, and Gregory Niemesh. "Understanding the Success of the Know-Nothing Party." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-035, November 2020.
Jasanoff, Sheila. "Ours Is the Earth: Science and Human History in the Anthropocene." Journal of the Philosophy of History 4.3 (November 2020): 337–358.
Ruggie, John Gerard, Caroline Rees, and Rachel Davis. "Making 'Stakeholder Capitalism' Work: Contributions from Business and Human Rights." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-034, November 2020.
Shattuck, John, and Mathias Risse. "Reimagining Rights and Responsibilities in the United States: Money in Politics." Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, November 18, 2020.
Mansbridge, Jane. "Representation Failure." Democratic Failure, NOMOS LXIII. Ed. Melissa Schwartzberg and Daniel Viehoff. New York University Press, 2020, 101-140.
Shattuck, John, and Mathias Risse. "Reimagining Rights and Responsibilities in the United States: Voting Rights." Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, November 6, 2020.
Norris, Pippa. "Measuring Populism Worldwide." Party Politics 26.6 (November 2020): 697–717.
Reschke, Brian, Julia Minson, Hannah Riley Bowles, Mathijs De Vaan, and Sameer B. Srivastava. "Mutual Receptiveness to Opposing Views Bridges Ideological Divides in Network Formation." Social Sciences Research Network, November 2020.
Burns, Nicholas, Marc Grossman, and Marcie Ries. "A U.S. Diplomatic Service for the 21st Century." November 2020.
Cahyadi, Nur, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken, Rizal Adi Prima, Elan Satriawan, and Ekki Syamsulhakim. "Cumulative Impacts of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: Experimental Evidence From Indonesia." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12.4 (November 2020).
Johnson, Douglas, and Laura J. Duckett. "Advocacy, Strategy and Tactics Used to Confront Corporate Power: The Nestlé Boycott and International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes." Journal of Human Lactation (November 2020).
Atkeson, Andrew, Michael C. Droste, Michael Mina, and James H. Stock. "Economic Benefits of COVID-19 Screening Tests." National Bureau of Economic Research, November 2020.
Ilzetzki, Ethan, Carmen M. Reinhart, and Kenneth S. Rogoff. "Will the Secular Decline In Exchange Rate and Inflation Volatility Survive COVID-19?" National Bureau of Economic Research, November 2020.
Stavins, Robert N. "Film Review: Jason Wise (Director), Somm 3." Review of Journal of Wine Economics, 15.4, November 2020: 422-426.
Dugan, Laura, and Erica Chenoweth. "Threat, Emboldenment, or Both? The Effects of Political Power on Violent Hate Crimes." Criminology 58.4 (November 2020): 714–746.
McKenna, Elizabeth. "Taxes and Tithes: The Organizational Foundations of Bolsonarismo." International Sociology 35.6 (November 2020): 610-631.
Avery, Christopher, William Bossert, Adam Clark, Glenn Ellison, and Sara Fisher Ellison. "An Economist’s Guide to Epidemiology Models of Infectious Disease." Journal of Economic Perspectives 34.4 (Fall 2020): 79-104.
Ang, Desmond, and Jonathan Tebes. "Civic Responses to Police Violence." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-033, October 2020.
Nordaas, Ragnhild, Dara Kay Cohen, and Robert Nagel. "Twenty Years After UNSCR 1325: Any Progress Ending Wartime Sexual Violence?" Political Violence at a Glance, October 30, 2020.
Cohen, Dara Kay, Connor Huff, and Robert Schub. "At War and at Home: The Consequences of US Women Combat Casualties." Journal of Conflict Resolution (October 29, 2020).
Kellerman, Barbara, and Todd L. Pittinsky. Leaders Who Lust: Power, Money, Sex, Success, Legitimacy, Legacy. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Power, Samantha. "Afterword." Imagine: Reflections on Peace. Ed. VII Foundation. SparkPress, 2020.
Power, Samantha. "Two Things Facebook Still Needs to do to Reduce the Spread of Misinformation." Washington Post, October 23, 2020.
Lee, Henry, and Abigail Mayer. "The Future of Carbon Offset Markets." Environment and Natural Resources Program, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, October 22, 2020.
de Benedictis-Kessner, Justin, and Maxwell Palmer. "Driving Turnout: The Effect of Car Ownership on Electoral Participation." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-032, October 2020.
Power, Samantha. Review of Those Who Forget: My Family’s Story in Nazi Europe – A Memoir, A History, A Warning, by Géraldine Schwarz. Washington Post, October 16, 2020.
Burns, Nicholas, and Anja Manuel. "On India, the US Must Think Bigger." The Hill, October 16, 2020.