Harvard Kennedy School faculty disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.
Faculty Publications
Donahue, John D., Karen Eggleston, Yijia Jing, and Richard J. Zeckhauser. "Private Roles for Public Goals in China’s Social Services." Healthy Aging in Asia. Ed. Karen Eggleston. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2020, 199-215.
Aldy, Joseph E., and Richard J. Zeckhauser. "Three Prongs for Prudent Climate Policy." Southern Economic Journal 87 (2020): 3-29.
Furman, Jason. "US Unemployment Insurance in the Pandemic and Beyond." Peterson Institute for International Economics, July 2020.
Masoud, Tarek. "Review Essay: The Prince." Review of MBS: The Rise to Power of Mohammed bin Salman, by Ben Hubbard. Journal of Democracy, 31.3, July 2020: 172-178.
Komisarchik, Mayya, Maya Sen, and Yamil R. Velez. "The Political Consequences of Ethnically Targeted Incarceration: Evidence from Japanese-American Internment During WWII." vlog Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-021, July 2020.
Logevall, Fredrik and Campbell Craig. America’s Cold War: The Politics of Insecurity, 2nd edition. Harvard University Press, 2020.
Harknett, Kristen, and Daniel Schneider. "Essential Workers Should Be Treated with More Respect." San Francisco Chronicle. July 11, 2020.
Cunningham, Edward, Anthony Saich, and Jessie Turiel. "Understanding CCP Resilience: Surveying Chinese Public Opinion Through Time." July 2020.
Anderson, James, and Jorrit de Jong. "A Nationwide Response from an Unusual Place: City Halls." The Hill, July 10, 2020.
Goldsmith, Stephen, and Charles "Skip" Stitt. "Fiscal Strategies to Help Cities Recover—and Prosper." vlog Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-019, June 2020.
Wagner, Alexander F., Richard J. Zeckhauser, and Alexandre Ziegler. "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Which Firms Won? Which Lost?" vlog Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-018, June 2020.
Metcalf, Gilbert E., and James H. Stock. "The Macroeconomic Impact of Europe’s Carbon Taxes." National Bureau of Economic Research, July 2020.
Ruggie, John Gerard. "The Social Construction of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights." Research Handbook on Human Rights and Business. Ed. Surya Deva and David Birchall. Edward Elgar, July 2020.
Hoover Green, Amelia, and Dara Kay Cohen. "Centering Human Subjects: The Ethics of “Desk Research” on Political Violence." Journal of Global Security Studies (July 2020).
Hausmann, Ricardo, and Ulrich Schetter. "Horrible Trade-offs in a Pandemic: Lockdowns, Transfers, Fiscal Space, and Compliance." July 2020.
Majid, Farhan, Saad B. Omer, and Asim Ijaz Khwaja. "Optimising SARS-CoV-2 Pooled Testing for Low-Resource Settings." The Lancet Microbe 1.3 (July 2020): E101-E102.
Newhouse, Joseph P. "An Ounce of Prevention." National Bureau of Economic Research (July 2020).
Wharam, J. Frank, Jamie Wallace, Fang Zhang, Xin Xu, Christine Y. Lu, Adrian Hernandez, Dennis Ross-Degnan, and Joseph P. Newhouse. "Association Between Switching to a High-Deductible Health Plan and Major Cardiovascular Outcomes." JAMA Network Open 3.7 (July 2020).
Aspelund, Karl M., Michael C. Droste, James H. Stock, and Christopher D. Walker. "Identification and Estimation of Undetected COVID-19 Cases Using Testing Data from Iceland." National Bureau of Economic Research, July 2020.
Aldy, Joseph, and Richard Zeckhauser. "Three Prongs for Prudent Climate Policy." Southern Economic Journal 87.1 (July 2020): 3-29.
Luca, Michael, and Max H. Bazerman. "Want to Make Better Decisions? Start Experimenting." MIT Sloan Management Review 61.4 (July 2020): 67-73.
Furman, Jason, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin. "Fiscal Policy Responses to Economic Inequality." Business Economics 55 (July 2020): 113-119.
Bartik, Alexander W., Marianne Bertrand, Zoe Cullen, Edward L. Glaeser, Michael Luca, and Christopher Stanton. "The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Outcomes and Expectations." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.30 (July 2020): 17656-17666.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. "The Pandemic Pain of Emerging Markets." Project Syndicate, July 2020.
Newhouse, Joseph P. "Are Quality-Adjusted Medical Prices Declining for Chronic Disease? Evidence from Diabetes Care in Four Health Systems." European Journal of Health Economics 21.5 (July 2020): 689-702.
Burns, Nicholas. "The Indispensable Power: On Restoring American Leadership through Diplomacy." Harvard Magazine. July-August 2020.
Chenoweth, Erica. "The Future of Nonviolent Resistance." Journal of Democracy 31.3 (July 2020): 69-84.
Power, Samantha. "'Find the People Who Actually Want to Do Things.' Samantha Power Remembers the Wise Words of Jean Kennedy Smith." Time, June 25, 2020.
Bartik, Alexander W., Zoe B. Cullen, Edward L. Glaeser, Michael Luca, and Christopher T. Stanton. "What Jobs Are Being Done at Home During the COVID-19 Crisis? Evidence From Firm-Level Surveys." National Bureau of Economic Research, June 2020.
Bilmes, Linda J. "A Perfect Fiscal Storm of Revenue Shortfalls for Cities and Towns." Boston Globe, June 25, 2020.
Burns, Nicholas, Frank Wisner. "A Planned Kosovo-Serbia Meeting at the White House is Falling Apart. It was Always a Bad Idea." Washington Post, June 24, 2020.
Aspelund, Karl M., Michael Droste, James H. Stock, and Christopher D. Walker. "Identification and Estimation of Undetected COVID-19 Cases Using Testing Data from Iceland." June 2020.
Dynan, Karen. "Rising student loan burdens and what to do about them." Business Economics 55 (June 2020): 129-133.
Baqaee, David, Emmanuel Farhi, Michael Mina, and James H. Stock. "Policies for a Second Wave." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, June 2020.
Fung, Archon. "Four Levels of Power: A Conception to Enable Liberation." Journal of Political Philosophy 28.2 (June 2020): 131-157.
Alsan, Marcella, Stefanie Stantcheva, David Yang, and David Cutler. "Disparities in Coronavirus 2019 Reported Incidence, Knowledge, and Behavior Among US Adults." JAMA Network Open 3.6 (2020).
Furman, Jason. "The Unemployment Pandemic: Addressing America’s Jobs Crisis." Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, June 18, 2020.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. "The US is Officially in Recession Thanks to the Coronavirus Crisis." The Guardian, June 16, 2020.
Deming, David, and Kadeem Noray. "Earnings Dynamics, Changing Job Skills, and STEM Careers." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 135.4 (June 2020): 1965–2005.
Furman, Jason, Timothy Geithner, Glenn Hubbard, and Melissa S. Kearney. "What a Successful Economic Recovery Plan Must Look Like." Washington Post, June 16, 2020.
Smith, Sandra Susan. "These Protests Feel Different, but We Have to be Realistic: There's a Long Road Ahead." The Guardian, June 14, 2020.
Risse, Mathias. "Dangerous Science: Might Population Genetics or Artificial Intelligence Undermine Philosophical Ideas about Equality?" vlog Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-017, June 2020.
Ang, Desmond. "The Effects of Police Violence on Inner-City Students." vlog Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP20-016, June 2020.
Horn, Sebastian, Carmen M. Reinhart, and Christoph Trebesch. "Coping with Disasters: Two Centuries of International Official Lending." June 2020.
Dynan, Karen, Gene Amromin, and Jane Dokko. "Helping Homeowners During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons from the Great Recession." Chicago Fed Letter. June 2020.
Bilmes, Linda J., and John B. Loomis. Valuing U.S. National Parks and Programs: America's Best Investment, 1st edition. Routledge, 2020.
Bai, Jie. "Returns to Work, Child Labor and Schooling: the Income vs. Price Effects." Journal of Development Economics 145 (June 2020).
Fernández-Arias, Eduardo, Ricardo Hausmann, and Ugo Panizza. "Smart Development Banks." Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 20.2 (June 2020): 395-420.
Jeong, Martha, Julia Minson, and Francesca Gino. "In Generous Offers I Trust: The Effect of First-Offer Value on Economically Vulnerable Behaviors." Psychological Science 31.6 (June 2020): 644-653.
Stock, James H. "Reopening the Coronavirus-Closed Economy." Hutchins Center, 2020.