Harvard Kennedy School faculty disseminate their research in working publications and papers that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent faculty publications, including journal articles, books, edited volumes, research papers, and public testimony.
Faculty Publications
Marks, Zoe. "Cooking Soup and Killing Chickens: Navigating Gender and Food-as-Fieldwork in West Africa." Stories from the Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science. Columbia University Press, 2020, 23-35.
Risse, Mathias. "On American Values, Unalienable Rights, and Human Rights: Some Reflections on the Pompeo Commission." Ethics & International Affairs 34.1 (2020): 13-31.
Aiginger, Karl, and Dani Rodrik. "Rebirth of Industrial Policy and An Agenda for the 21st Century." Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade (January 2020): 1-19.
Shepard, Mark, Katherine Baicker, and Jonathan Skinner. "Does One Medicare Fit All? The Economics of Uniform Health Insurance Benefits." Tax Policy and the Economy 34.1 (January 2020): 1-41.
Schneider, Daniel, and Kristen Harknett. "Estimates of Workers Who Lack Access to Paid Sick Leave at 91 Large Service Sector Employers." Shift Project Research Brief, 2020.
Schneider, Daniel. "Precarious and Unequal: Job Quality in the Bay Area. Taking Count Survey Report, Tipping Point Community." 2020.
Schneider, Daniel, Kristen Harknett. "Essential and Unprotected: While CA Leads the Way, America's Grocery, Retail and Food Service Workers Still Lack Paid Sick Leave Amid Pandemic." Sacramento Bee, 2020.
Harknett, Kristen, Daniel Schneider. "Precarious Work Schedules and Population Health." Health Affairs (2020).
Levy, Dan. Teaching Effectively with Zoom: A Practical Guide to Engage your Students and Help Them Learn, 2. Dan Levy, 2020.
Burns, Nicholas, and Anja Manuel. "Preface." Domestic and International (Dis)Order: A Strategic Response. Aspen Institute, 2020.
Burns, Nicholas. "Preface." The Struggle for Power: U.S.-China Relations in the 21st Century. Ed. Leah Bitounis and Jonathon Price. Aspen Institute, 2020.
Norris, Pippa. "The World of Political Science: Internationalization and its Consequences." Political Science in Europe: Achievement, Challenges, Prospects. Ed. Thibaud Boncourt, Isabelle Engeli, and Diego Garzi. ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield, 2020, 127-158.
Norris, Pippa. "Brexit Is Just the Beginning." Foreign Affairs (January 2020).
Norris, Pippa. "The Populist Challenge to Liberal Democracy." Oxford Handbook on Political Representation in Liberal Democracies. Ed. Jacques Thomassen and Robert Rohrschneider. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Schneider, Daniel, and Kristen Harknett. "Paid Sick Leave in Virginia: Evidence from the Shift Project." Shift Project, 2020.
Ho, Helen, Daniel Schneider, and Kristen Harknett. "COVID-19 Safety Measures Update." Shift Project, 2020.
Schneider, Daniel, Kristen Harknett, and Annette Gailliot. "Unemployed Without a Net: Few Unemployed Service Sector Workers Received UI and Many Experienced Hardships." Shift Project, 2020.
Aldy, Joseph. "Carbon Tax Review and Updating: Institutionalizing an Act-Learn-Act Approach to U.S. Climate Policy." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 14.1 (Winter 2020): 76-94.
Schrantz, Doran, Michelle Oyakawa, and Elizabeth McKenna. "People Power: Building Political Bases to Make Multiracial Democracy Work." Stanford Social Innovation Review 18.1 (Winter 2020): A9–A11.
Holdren, John P. "The overwhelming case for no first use." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 76.1 (January 2020): 3-7.
Goldsmith, Stephen, and Betsy Gardner. "Prioritizing Public Value in the Changing Mobility Landscape." Mobility and the Connected City Series, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, January 2020.
Walt, Stephen. "The World Didn’t Change Much in 2019. That’s Bad News for 2020." Foreign Policy, December 31, 2019.
Dorison, Charles A., Ke Wang, Vaughan W. Rees, Ichiro Kawachi, Keith M. M. Ericson, and Jennifer S. Lerner. "Sadness, but Not All Negative Emotions, Heightens Addictive Substance Use." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (December 2019).
Bai, Jie, Panle Barwick, Shengmao Cao, and Shanjun Li. "Quid Pro Quo, Knowledge Spillover and Industrial Quality Upgrading." December 2019.
Esterling, Kevin M., Archon Fung, and Taeku Lee. "When Deliberation Produces Persuasion Rather than Polarization: Measuring and Modeling Small Group Dynamics in a Field Experiment." British Journal of Political Science (December 2019).
de Jong, Jorrit, Fernando Monge, and Adam Hawksbee. "Mapping the Five Genes of an Innovative City Hall." Apolitical, December 17, 2019.
Frankel, Jeffrey A. "Six Tax-Based Ways to Tackle US Inequality." Project Syndicate, December 17, 2019.
Walt, Stephen. "Everyone Knows America Lost Afghanistan Long Ago." Foreign Policy, December 16, 2019.
Masoud, Tarek. "Muslim Democratic Parties in the Middle East: Economy and Politics of Islamist Moderation." Review of Muslim Democratic Parties in the Middle East: Economy and Politics of Islamist Moderation, by A. Kadir Yildirim. Perspectives on Politics, 17.4, December 2019: 1223-1226.
Mukharji, Aroop, and Richard Zeckhauser. "Bound to Happen: Explanation Bias in Historical Analysis." Journal of Applied History 1 (December 2019): 1-23.
Olson, Stevie, Phil Berkaw, Lucien Charland, Elizabeth Patton, and Linda J. Bilmes. "The $64 Billion Massachusetts Vehicle Economy." ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP19-038, December 2019.
Burns, Nicholas. "Trump Violates Diplomacy’s Golden Rule." The Atlantic, December 4, 2019.
Bilmes, Linda J. and Loomis, John B. "Our National Parks Are in Crisis. Trump’s Solution Is Absurd." Los Angeles Times. December 2, 2019.
Chandra, Amitabh, and Craig Garthwaite. "Economic Principles for Medicare Reform." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 686.1 (December 2019): 63-92.
Risse, Mathias, and Marco Meyer. "Tax Competition and Global Interdependence." Journal of Political Philosophy 27.4 (December 2019): 480-498.
Turiel, Jesse, Edward Cunningham, and Anthony Saich. "To Serve the People: Income, Region and Citizen Attitudes towards Governance in China (2003–2016)." China Quarterly 240 (December 2019): 906-935.
Risse, Mathias, and Gabriel Wollner. On Trade Justice: A Philosophical Plea for a New Global Deal. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Bai, Jie, and Jiahua Liu. "The Impact of Intranational Trade Barriers on Exports: Evidence from a Nationwide VAT Rebate Reform in China." December 2019.
Risse, Mathias. "Human Rights & Social Order: Philosophical, Practical, and Public Policy Dimensions." December 2019.
Efevbera, Yvette, Jacqueline Bhabha, Paul Farmer, and Günther Fink. "Girl Child Marriage, Socioeconomic Status, and Undernutrition: Evidence From 35 Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa." BMC Medicine 17.1 (December 2019): 55.
Aldy, Joseph, Matthew Kotchen, Mary Evans, Meredith Fowlie, Arik Levinson, and Karen Palmer. "Report on the Proposed Changes to the Federal Mercury and Air Toxics Standards." External Environmental Economics Advisory Committee, December 2019.
Alsan, Marcella, Owen Garrick, and Grant Graziani. "Does Diversity Matter for Health? Experimental Evidence from Oakland." American Economic Review 109.12 (December 2019): 4071-4111.
Bowles, Hannah Riley, Bobbi Thomason, and Julia B. Bear. "Reconceptualizing What and How Women Negotiate for Career Advancement." Academy of Management Journal 62.6 (December 2019): 1645-1671.
Chen, Jiafeng, Edward L. Glaeser, and David Wessel. "The (Non-) Effect of Opportunity Zones on Housing Prices." December 2019.
Mansbridge, Jane. "Deliberative Polling Comes of Age." The Good Society 27.1-2 (December 2019): 118-129.
Newhouse, Joseph P., Mary Price, John Hsu, Bruce Landon, and J. Michael McWilliams. "Currently Reading Delivery System Performance as Financial Risk Varies." The American Journal of Managed Care (December 2019).
Seo, Veri, Travis P. Baggett, Anne N. Thorndike, Peter Hull, John Hsu, Joseph P. Newhouse, and Vicki Fung. "Access to Care Among Medicaid and Uninsured Patients in Community Health Centers After the Affordable Care Act." BMC Health Services Research 19.1 (December 2019): 291.
Leary, Kimberlyn. "Mental Health and Communities of Color." Georgetown Law Center Initiative on Gender Justice & Opportunity, December 2019.
Leary, Kimberlyn. "Mental Health and Girls of Color." Georgetown Law Center Initiative on Gender Justice & Opportunity, December 2019.
Leary, Kimberlyn, and Chloe Greenbaum. "The Promise and Challenge of School-Based Mental Health Care for Girls of Color." Georgetown Law Center Initiative on Gender Justice & Opportunity, December 2019.