
The Harvard Center for International Development is home to faculty affiliates from each school at Harvard University, working across sectors in developing nations around the world.

Faculty research is published in a wide range of academic and policy venues and can be found through the feed and filters below.

CID working papers published by Harvard faculty, graduate students, and research fellows prior to 2024 can be found here

Showing results 2611 - 2620 of 2761

Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Benjamin Friedman
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Luke Weisman Miratrix
Vol. 8, Issue 1, Pages 499-529
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Thomas Kane
Vol. 104, Issue 3, Pages 991-1013
Harvard Kennedy School Logo
Ricardo Hausmann
Why do some countries grow and others do not? The authors of The Atlas of Economic Complexity offer readers an explanation based on "Economic Complexity," a measure of a society's…